Stammrosen von Meilland kaufen (lieferbar | Farben: lila, rosa, rot | duftend, kein Duft)

1 - 26 of 26 articles
Black Baccara
Hybrid Tea
Black Baccara ®
Bonica 82
Floribunda Rose
Bonica 82 ®
Eden Rose 85
Shrub Rose
Eden Rose 85 ®
Leonardo da Vinci
Floribunda Rose
Leonardo da Vinci ®
Marie Curie
Floribunda Rose
Marie Curie ®
Michèle Meilland
Pink Symphonie
Miniature Rose
Pink Symphonie ®
Red Leonardo da Vinci
Floribunda Rose
Red Leonardo da Vinci ®
Rouge Meilove
Floribunda Rose
Rouge Meilove ®
Scarlet Bonica
Floribunda Rose
Scarlet Bonica ®
Sweet Pretty
Floribunda Rose
Sweet Pretty ®
Hybrid Tea
Traviata ®
Miniature Rose
Zepeti ®
Aachener Dom
Hybrid Tea
Aachener Dom ®
Alpha Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Alpha Meidiland ®
Floribunda Rose
Botticelli ®
Hybrid Tea
Carina ®
Kurfürstin Sophie
Floribunda Rose
Kurfürstin Sophie ®
La Sevillana
Floribunda Rose
La Sevillana ®
Phlox Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Phlox Meidiland ®
Pink Eden Rose
Shrub Rose
Pink Eden Rose ®
Pink Swany
Floribunda Rose
Pink Swany ®
Red Eden Rose
Shrub Rose
Red Eden Rose ®
Red Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Red Meidiland ®
Rouge Meilland
Hybrid Tea
Rouge Meilland ®
Scarlet Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
Scarlet Meidiland ®
1 - 26 of 26 articles