Buy Foetida Roses (lieferbar | Farben: creme, mehrfarbig, rosa, rot, weiß)

Fox roses, botanically called Rosa foetida (also Rosa lutea / eglanteria), originate from Asia and were probably introduced to Europe in the 16th century. A distinctive feature of this class is the special rather light scent, which is very special and can be perceived by some as not very pleasant. This is the origin of the Latin name Roase foetida (lat.: feotidus = stinking). This class was scientifically described by Johann Herrmann in 1762.

Characteristic for the Fuchsrosen is a yellow flower. Rosa lutea bicolor atropurpurea, however, is, as the name suggests, a multi-colored variety that flowers golden yellow and a capuchin red. Rosa foetida grow to about 150 cm and form dark brown branches, which are richly covered with spines. The foliage is rather fernlike. In autumn the roses bear very beautiful spherical orange rose hips which decorate the garden.

1 - 36 of 91 articles
Aachener Dom
Hybrid Tea
Aachener Dom ®
Floribunda Rose
Acropolis ®
Alba Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Alba Meidiland ®
Hybrid Tea
Alpha Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Alpha Meidiland ®
Shrub Rose
Amstelveen ®
André le Notre
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André le Notre ®
Anne de Bretagne
Apricot Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Apricot Meidiland ®
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Arioso ®
Baronne E. de Rothschild
Belles Rives
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Bingo Meidiland
Black Baccara
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Black Baccara ®
Bolshoi syn. Bolchoi
Bonica 82
Floribunda Rose
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Floribunda Rose
Botticelli ®
Bright Meilove
Floribunda Rose
Bright Meilove ®
Caprice de Meilland
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Carina ®
Carte Blanche
Floribunda Rose
Carte Blanche
Cherry Bonica
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Cherry Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
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Clair Matin
Climbing Rose
Clair Matin
Colibri ® Farbfestival
Climbing Rose
Colibri ® Farbfestival ®
Hybrid Tea
Duftfestival ®
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Eden Rose 85
Shrub Rose
Eden Rose 85 ®
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Elbflorenz ®
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Elbjuwel ®
Flora Romantica
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Frederic Mistral
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Frederic Mistral ®
Gites de France syn Hagenbecks Tierpark
Graf Lennart
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Graf Lennart ®
Honore de Balzac
Ivory Compact Meidiland syn. Ivory Drift
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