Rosen von Meilland kaufen (Farben: creme, gelb, mehrfarbig, rosa, rot, weiß | duftend, kein Duft)

1 - 36 of 97 articles
Aachener Dom
Hybrid Tea
Aachener Dom ®
Floribunda Rose
Acropolis ®
Alba Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Alba Meidiland ®
Hybrid Tea
Alpha Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Alpha Meidiland ®
Shrub Rose
Amstelveen ®
Anne de Bretagne
Apricot Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Apricot Meidiland ®
Hybrid Tea
Arioso ®
Bingo Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
Bingo Meidiland
Black Baccara
Hybrid Tea
Black Baccara ®
Bonica 82
Floribunda Rose
Bonica 82 ®
Floribunda Rose
Botticelli ®
Bright Meilove
Floribunda Rose
Bright Meilove ®
Hybrid Tea
Carina ®
Carte Blanche
Floribunda Rose
Carte Blanche
Cherry Bonica
Floribunda Rose
Cherry Bonica ®
Cherry Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
Cherry Meidiland ®
Clair Matin
Climbing Rose
Clair Matin
Concerto 94
Shrub Rose
Concerto 94 ®
Eddy Mitchell syn. Dark Knight
Eden Rose 85
Shrub Rose
Eden Rose 85 ®
Shrub Rose
Elbjuwel ®
Flora Romantica
Shrub Rose
Flora Romantica ®
Floribunda Rose
Gites de France syn Hagenbecks Tierpark
Gloria Dei
Hybrid Tea
Gloria Dei
Gold Bunny Climber
Climbing Rose
Gold Bunny Climber
Honore de Balzac
Ivory Compact Meidiland syn. Ivory Drift
Jubilé du Prince de Monaco
Floribunda Rose
Jubilé du Prince de Monaco ®
King George I.
Miniature Rose
King George I. ®
Kir Royal
Climbing Rose
Kir Royal ®
Kurfürstin Sophie
Floribunda Rose
Kurfürstin Sophie ®
La Sevillana
Floribunda Rose
La Sevillana ®
Lemon Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
Lemon Meidiland ®
1 - 36 of 97 articles