Rosen von Meilland kaufen (lieferbar | Farben: creme, gelb, mehrfarbig, orange, rosa | duftend, stark duftend)

1 - 36 of 53 articles
Aachener Dom
Hybrid Tea
Aachener Dom ®
Abbaye de Cluny
Hybrid Tea
Abbaye de Cluny ®
Hybrid Tea
Alexandrine ®
Alpha Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Alpha Meidiland ®
André le Notre
Hybrid Tea
André le Notre ®
Apricot Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Apricot Meidiland ®
Arielle Dombasle
Climbing Rose
Arielle Dombasle ®
Hybrid Tea
Arioso ®
Baronne E. de Rothschild
Bolshoi syn. Bolchoi
Floribunda Rose
Botticelli ®
Caprice de Meilland
Hybrid Tea
Caprice de Meilland ®
Hybrid Tea
Carina ®
Clair Matin
Climbing Rose
Clair Matin
Shrub Rose
Colette ®
Colibri ® Farbfestival
Climbing Rose
Colibri ® Farbfestival ®
Concerto 94
Shrub Rose
Concerto 94 ®
Eddy Mitchell syn. Dark Knight
Eden Rose 85
Shrub Rose
Eden Rose 85 ®
Frederic Mistral
Hybrid Tea
Frederic Mistral ®
Gold Bunny Climber
Climbing Rose
Gold Bunny Climber
Honore de Balzac
Kir Royal
Climbing Rose
Kir Royal ®
Kurfürstin Sophie
Floribunda Rose
Kurfürstin Sophie ®
Leonardo da Vinci
Floribunda Rose
Leonardo da Vinci ®
Mademoiselle Meilland
Magic Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Magic Meidiland ®
Manou Meilland
Floribunda Rose
Manou Meilland ®
Marco Polo
Hybrid Tea
Marco Polo ®
Marie Curie
Floribunda Rose
Marie Curie ®
Floribunda Rose
Michelangelo ®
Michèle Meilland
Climbing Rose
Michka ®
Orange Meilove
Floribunda Rose
Orange Meilove ®
1 - 36 of 53 articles