Buy Bibernell Roses (lieferbar | Farben: lila, orange, rot, weiß)

The Bibernell rose, also called dune or rock rose, is one of the oldest roses cultivated by man. The slightly pinnate leaves and the brownish branched dark brown with long spines and well-branched branches that adorn the plant are striking. The species got its nickname because it is planted in landscaping and especially in dune regions, e.g. at the North Sea for slope stabilization.

Bibernella roses also thrive in sandy and poor soils. The flowers are only single to moderately double and hardly fragrant, but are very numerous. Bibernella roses form particularly interesting rose hips, which from red to purple to a very dark brown, delight rose lovers until late in the year. They are also suitable for the production of various delicacies such as jam.

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