Buy Tree Roses (Bare-Root) (Colours: cream, multicolour, purple, red, white | strong fragrant)

37 - 47 of 47 articles
Margaret Merril
Floribunda Rose
Margaret Merril ®
Hybrid Tea
Maxim ®
English Rose
Muwo ®
Pacific Blue
Hybrid Tea
Pacific Blue ®
Prince Noir
Remontant Rose
Prince Noir
Professor Knöll
Sebastian Kneipp
Hybrid Tea
Sebastian Kneipp ®
Senteur Royale
Hybrid Tea
Senteur Royale ®
Shocking Blue
Floribunda Rose
Shocking Blue ®
Sutters Gold
Hybrid Tea
Sutters Gold
Weiße Jacques Cartier
37 - 47 of 47 articles