Buy Tree Roses (Bare-Root) (in stock | Colours: cream, multicolour, pink, purple, red, white, yellow)

109 - 144 of 281 articles
Ferdinand Pichard
Remontant Rose
Ferdinand Pichard
Flirt 2011
Miniature Rose
Flirt 2011 ®
Hybrid Tea
Focus ®
Fragrant Alizée
Frederic Mistral
Hybrid Tea
Frederic Mistral ®
Shrub Rose
Friedenslicht ®
Floribunda Rose
Friesia ®
Garden of Roses syn. Cream Flower Circus
Floribunda Rose
Gartenspaß ®
Ghislaine de Féligonde
Gloria Dei
Hybrid Tea
Gloria Dei
Golden Celebration
English Rose
Golden Celebration
Golden Gate
Climbing Rose
Golden Gate ®
Golden Showers
Climbing Rose
Golden Showers
Gräfin Diana
Hybrid Tea
Gräfin Diana ®
Grande Amore
Hybrid Tea
Grande Amore ®
Grande Classe
Hybrid Tea
Grande Classe
Great Century  -  Grand Siècle
Gruß an Teplitz
Bourbon Rose
Gruß an Teplitz
Gruß an Zwönitz
Hybrid Tea
Gruß an Zwönitz ®
Heidetraum PLUS
Climbing Rose
Heidetraum PLUS ®
Heidi Klum Rose
Floribunda Rose
Heidi Klum Rose ®
Floribunda Rose
Heimatmelodie ®
Heinz Winkler
Floribunda Rose
Heinz Winkler ®
Herz Ass
Hybrid Tea
Herz Ass ®
Home & Garden
Floribunda Rose
Home & Garden ®
Miniature Rose
Honeymilk ®
Ground Cover Rose
Hotline ®
Hybrid Tea
Irina ®
Jacques Cartier
Damascene Rose
Jacques Cartier ®
Climbing Rose
Jasmina ®
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Rose
Jubilé du Prince de Monaco
Floribunda Rose
Jubilé du Prince de Monaco ®
Floribunda Rose
Jugendliebe ®
Julia (Pascal Sevran)
Kaffe Fasset Rose
Floribunda Rose
Kaffe Fasset Rose ®
109 - 144 of 281 articles