
Hybrid Tea / Modern Hybrid Tea
sehr groß, schlank, länglich, edel, gut gefüllt
starker, süßlich-würziger Duft
Austrieb rötlich, später dunkelgrün, glänzend
kräftig, aufrecht, lange elegante Stiele
Rosen Tantau, 1968 introduced
Längliche, elegante Knospen auf langen, schlanken Stielen öffnen sich langsam zu großen, gut gefüllten Blüten, welche einen absolut zauberhaften und unverwechselbaren Duft verströmen. Der Duft der Erotika wird Ihnen in Erinnerung bleiben!

Buy Erotika

Bare root rose

Bare root rose

A-Quality (at least 3 strong shoots)
ready for shipment in 1-2 working days
11.85 EUR
from 5 pcs. 11.25 EUR
In stock: 20+ / 0

2-liter Organic Pot

2-liter Organic Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)* cut back short, no flowers and mostly no buds!* The green biopot must also be planted, it is made of plant starch and rots!
pre-orderable, ready for delivery from März 01
17.45 EUR
from 5 pcs. 16.95 EUR
In stock: ~6 / 0

3-liter Pot

3-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
17.85 EUR
from 5 pcs. 17.25 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

5-liter Pot

5-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
21.35 EUR
from 5 pcs. 20.75 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

6,5-liter Pot

6,5-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
23.35 EUR
from 5 pcs. 22.75 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

Tree Rose (~90cm), bare root

Tree Rose (~90cm), bare root

A-Quality (at least 3 strong shoots)
sold out
45.00 EUR
from 5 pcs. 43.50 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

Tree Rose (~90cm) in 6.5l Pot

Tree Rose (~90cm) in 6.5l Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
54.50 EUR
from 5 pcs. 53.00 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

Tree Rose (~90cm) in 8l Pot (Present Rose)

Tree Rose (~90cm) in 8l Pot (Present Rose)

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
57.50 EUR
from 5 pcs. 56.00 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

4 Field reports for Erotika



christine greisinger

Abraham Razlaw