
Climbing Rose / Modern Rose
zitronengelb mit rosa Hauch
große gut gefüllte, schalenförmige Blüten
guter Duft
gesundes, glänzendes Laub
starker, breitbuschiger Wuchs
W. Kordes' Söhne, 2004 introduced
Moonlight ist eine angenehm duftende Kletterrose, die sehr unempfindlich gegen Blattkrankheiten ist. Diese wüchsige Sorte eignet sich gut für Spaliere und Rosenbögen.

Buy Moonlight

Bare root rose

Bare root rose

A-Quality (at least 3 strong shoots)
ready for shipment in 1-2 working days
12.45 EUR
from 5 pcs. 12.25 EUR
In stock: 20+ / 0

2-liter Organic Pot

2-liter Organic Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)* cut back short, no flowers and mostly no buds!* The green biopot must also be planted, it is made of plant starch and rots!
ready for shipment in 1-2 working days
16.95 EUR
from 5 pcs. 16.75 EUR
In stock: ~10 / 0

5-liter Pot

5-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
ready for shipment in 1-2 working days
21.95 EUR
from 5 pcs. 21.75 EUR
In stock: ~10 / 0

3-liter Pot

3-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
18.45 EUR
from 5 pcs. 18.25 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

6,5-liter Pot

6,5-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
23.95 EUR
from 5 pcs. 23.75 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

8-liter Pot (Present Rose)

8-liter Pot (Present Rose)

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
27.45 EUR
from 5 pcs. 27.25 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

Weeping Tree Rose (~125-140cm) in 6.5l Pot

Weeping Tree Rose (~125-140cm) in 6.5l Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
69.00 EUR
from 5 pcs. 65.00 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

Weeping Tree Rose (~125-140cm) in 8l Pot (Present Rose)

Weeping Tree Rose (~125-140cm) in 8l Pot (Present Rose)

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
72.00 EUR
from 5 pcs. 68.00 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

2 Field reports for Moonlight ®



Overview ...


250 cm
100 cm

Repeat flowering
particularly bee-friendly