Brenda Colvin

Rambler Rose / Modern Rose
hellrosa, weiss aufhellend
Blüten ungefüllt bis locker gefüllt, klein und duftend, einmal sehr reich blühend
guter Duft
glänzendes, dunkles Laub
kräftiger Wuchs
Colvin, 1970 introduced
Brenda Colvin ist eine üppig wachsende Ramblerrose, sehr gesund und frosthart. Sie gedeiht auch im Halbschatten und blüht einmal sehr reich im Sommer. Sie ist hervorragend geeignet zum Klettern in Bäumen oder an Spalieren, Hauswänden und überwuchert sogar ganze Gartenhäuser oder Garagen.

Buy Brenda Colvin

2-liter Organic Pot

2-liter Organic Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)* cut back short, no flowers and mostly no buds!* The green biopot must also be planted, it is made of plant starch and rots!
pre-orderable, ready for delivery from März 01
21.40 EUR
from 5 pcs. 21.25 EUR
In stock: ~2 / 0

Bare root rose

Bare root rose

A-Quality (at least 3 strong shoots)
sold out
16.90 EUR
from 5 pcs. 16.75 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

2-liter Pot

2-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
21.40 EUR
from 5 pcs. 21.25 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

3-liter Pot

3-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
22.90 EUR
from 5 pcs. 22.75 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

5-liter Pot

5-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
26.40 EUR
from 5 pcs. 26.25 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

6,5-liter Pot

6,5-liter Pot

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
28.40 EUR
from 5 pcs. 28.25 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

8-liter Pot (Present Rose)

8-liter Pot (Present Rose)

A-Quality (multiple shoots)
sold out
35.00 EUR
from 5 pcs. 35.00 EUR
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once this article is in stock again!

1 Field report for Brenda Colvin


Overview ...


500 cm
250 cm

particularly bee-friendly
half-shade suitable