Buy Rugosa Roses (Colours: red)

Rosa rugosa, also called potato rose, originally comes from Japan and was introduced in Europe in the 18th century. The epithet rugosa (lat. "wrinkled") refers to the characteristic leaf shape of the rose. The leaves are also very fleshy and resemble those of potatoes. The rose is very undemanding, can also grow in sandy soil and is therefore often used in urban plantings.

It is very insensitive to diseases. The simple to slightly double flowers smell light to strong and are white to pink in colour. The plant forms quite bushy shrubs which can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. Unlike other roses, Rosa rugosa is particularly suitable for planting in more difficult locations.

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F. J. Grootendoorst
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Rosa rugosa
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Rosa rugosa
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Rosa rugosa
Rotes Phänomen
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