Buy Modern Roses (in stock | Colours: pink, red | strong fragrant)

73 - 108 of 109 articles
Manou Meilland
Floribunda Rose
Manou Meilland ®
Hybrid Tea
Mauritia ®
Climbing Rose
Nahéma ®
Hybrid Tea
Noblesse ®
Open Arms
Climbing Rose
Open Arms ®
Our Last Summer - Plant'n'relax
Papa Meilland
Hybrid Tea
Papa Meilland ®
Parfum Royal
Hybrid Tea
Parfum Royal ®
Hybrid Tea
Parole ®
Paul Ricard
Hybrid Tea
Paul Ricard ®
Pink Roadrunner
Ground Cover Rose
Pink Roadrunner ®
Princess Alexandra of Kent
Professor Knöll
Red Flame
Climbing Rose
Red Flame ®
Régis Marcon
Floribunda Rose
Régis Marcon ®
Renée van Wegberg Essbare Rose
Hybrid Tea
Romina ®
Rose Clos Vougeot
Shrub Rose
Rose Clos Vougeot ®
Rose de Pompadour
Floribunda Rose
Rose de Pompadour ®
Rosengräfin Marie Henriette
Hybrid Tea
Scepter'd Isle
English Rose
Scepter'd Isle ®
Schloß Ippenburg
Hybrid Tea
Schloß Ippenburg ®
Schloss Bad Homburg
Climbing Rose
Schloss Bad Homburg
Sophie Luise
Hybrid Tea
Sophie Luise ®
Sophie Rochas
Hybrid Tea
Sophie Rochas ®
Starfamily Kühn
Starlet Rose Lola syn. Luisa
Starlet Rose Melina
Climbing Rose
Starlet Rose Melina ®
Sweet Parole
Hybrid Tea
Sweet Parole ®
The Ancient Mariner
The Lady Gardener
English Rose
The Lady Gardener ®
The Mayflower
English Rose
The Mayflower
Hybrid Tea
Walzertraum ®
Young Lycidas
English Rose
Young Lycidas ®
73 - 108 of 109 articles