Buy Floribunda Roses (in stock | Colours: pink, purple | fragrant, strong fragrant)

37 - 71 of 71 articles
Love Letter
Floribunda Rose
Love Letter ®
Lovely Fairy
Floribunda Rose
Lovely Fairy
Madame de Stael
Floribunda Rose
Madame de Stael ®
Madame Figaro
Floribunda Rose
Madame Figaro ®
Manou Meilland
Floribunda Rose
Manou Meilland ®
Floribunda Rose
Mariatheresia ®
Marie Curie
Floribunda Rose
Marie Curie ®
Marie Pavic
Floribunda Rose
Marie Pavic
Floribunda Rose
Michel Bras
Floribunda Rose
Michel Bras ®
Floribunda Rose
Minerva ®
Modern Art
Floribunda Rose
Modern Art ®
Floribunda Rose
Nautica ®
Parfum Flower Circus
Floribunda Rose
Parfum Flower Circus ®
Floribunda Rose
Pepino ®
Play Rose
Floribunda Rose
Play Rose ®
Floribunda Rose
Poetry ®
Floribunda Rose
Pomponella ®
Prix P. J. Redouté
Floribunda Rose
Prix P. J. Redouté ®
Raymond Blanc
Floribunda Rose
Raymond Blanc ®
Régis Marcon
Floribunda Rose
Régis Marcon ®
Rhapsody in Blue
Floribunda Rose
Rhapsody in Blue ®
Rose de Pompadour
Floribunda Rose
Rose de Pompadour ®
Rosengräfin Marie Henriette
Royal Diva - Plant'n'Relax
Floribunda Rose
Royal Diva - Plant'n'Relax ®
Floribunda Rose
Saint-Exupéry ®
Scarlet Bonica
Floribunda Rose
Scarlet Bonica ®
Sexy Rexy
Floribunda Rose
Sexy Rexy ®
Stephanie Baronin zu Guttenberg
Sunblaze syn. Rose Meilove
The Queen Elizabeth Rose
Floribunda Rose
The Queen Elizabeth Rose ®
Theo Clevers Essbare Rose
Floribunda Rose
Theo Clevers Essbare Rose ®
Thierry Marx
Floribunda Rose
Thierry Marx ®
Floribunda Rose
Utopia ®
Weg der Sinne
Floribunda Rose
Weg der Sinne ®
37 - 71 of 71 articles