Buy Garden Roses (in stock | Colours: pink, red | fragrant, no fragrance, strong fragrant)

541 - 576 of 609 articles
Sophie Luise
Hybrid Tea
Sophie Luise ®
Sophie Rochas
Hybrid Tea
Sophie Rochas ®
Sorbet Climber
Climbing Rose
Sorbet Climber
Ground Cover Rose
Sorrento ®
Souvenir d'Alphonse Lavallée
Souvenir de Baden Baden
Souvenir de St. Anne's
Hybrid Tea
Sparkassenrose ®
Stanwell Perpetual
Bibernell Rose
Stanwell Perpetual
Starfamily Kühn
Starlet Rose Eva
Climbing Rose
Starlet Rose Eva ®
Starlet Rose Lola syn. Luisa
Starlet Rose Melina
Climbing Rose
Starlet Rose Melina ®
Starlet Rose Natalie
Climbing Rose
Starlet Rose Natalie ®
Stephanie Baronin zu Guttenberg
Miniature Rose
Sternenhimmel ®
Hybrid Tea
Störtebeker ®
Strandperle Amrum
Shrub Rose
Strandperle Amrum ®
Strandperle Norderney
Sugar Baby
Miniature Rose
Sugar Baby ®
Sunblaze syn. Rose Meilove
Super Dorothy
Rambler Rose
Super Dorothy ®
Super Excelsa
Rambler Rose
Super Excelsa ®
Sweet Haze
Ground Cover Rose
Sweet Haze ®
Sweet Parole
Hybrid Tea
Sweet Parole ®
Sweet Pretty
Floribunda Rose
Sweet Pretty ®
Climbing Rose
Tapis Volant
Ground Cover Rose
Tapis Volant
Hybrid Tea
Terracotta ®
The Albrighton Rambler
Rambler Rose
The Albrighton Rambler ®
The Ancient Mariner
The Fairy
Ground Cover Rose
The Fairy
The Lady Gardener
English Rose
The Lady Gardener ®
The Matador - Plant'n'Relax
Floribunda Rose
The Matador - Plant'n'Relax ®
The Mayflower
English Rose
The Mayflower
The Mill On The Floss
English Rose
The Mill On The Floss ®
541 - 576 of 609 articles