Buy Garden Roses (in stock | Colours: orange, pink, purple, white | fragrant, strong fragrant)

397 - 432 of 547 articles
Miniature Rose
Pinocchio ®
PiRo 3 - Pillnitzer Vitaminrose
Hybrid Tea
Piroschka ®
Play Rose
Floribunda Rose
Play Rose ®
Floribunda Rose
Poetry ®
Polarexpress  syn Perla Bianca
Polka 91 syn Lord Byron
Floribunda Rose
Pomponella ®
Floribunda Rose
Portorož ®
Princess Alexandra (Renaissance)
Princess Alexandra of Kent
Princess Anne
English Rose
Princess Anne ®
Princess Claire of Belgium
Prix P. J. Redouté
Floribunda Rose
Prix P. J. Redouté ®
Purple Rain
Ground Cover Rose
Purple Rain ®
Purple Roadrunner
Ground Cover Rose
Purple Roadrunner ®
Queen of Sweden
English Rose
Queen of Sweden ®
Queen of the Musk
Rambling Rector
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rector
Rambler Rose
Raymond Blanc
Floribunda Rose
Raymond Blanc ®
Red Pavement - Rosa rugosa Red Foxi
Régis Marcon
Floribunda Rose
Régis Marcon ®
Reine Victoria
Bourbon Rose
Reine Victoria
Renée van Wegberg Essbare Rose
Rhapsody in Blue
Floribunda Rose
Rhapsody in Blue ®
Ritausma syn Polareis
Roberto Alagna
Hybrid Tea
Roberto Alagna ®
Romantic Siluetta
Climbing Rose
Romantic Siluetta ®
Shrub Rose
Romanze ®
Hybrid Tea
Romina ®
Rosa Bonheur
Floribunda Rose
Rosa Bonheur ®
Rosa canina
Wild Rose
Rosa canina
397 - 432 of 547 articles