Buy Garden Roses (Colours: multicolour, pink, red | fragrant, no fragrance)

217 - 252 of 946 articles
Heidetraum PLUS
Climbing Rose
Heidetraum PLUS ®
Floribunda Rose
Heimatmelodie ®
Heinz Winkler
Floribunda Rose
Heinz Winkler ®
Helmut Kohl Rose
Henri Martin
Moss Rose
Henri Martin
Herz Ass
Hybrid Tea
Herz Ass ®
Hidalgo syn Michel Hidalgo
Miniature Rose
Hobby ®
Home & Garden
Floribunda Rose
Home & Garden ®
Home Run syn Fire Ball
Honore de Balzac
Ground Cover Rose
Hotline ®
I am Grateful - Plant'n'Relax
IGA Erfurt
Floribunda Rose
IGA Erfurt
Ile Rouge
Floribunda Rose
Ile Rouge ®
Ilka Frensch
Hybrid Tea
Ilka Frensch
Ingrid Bergman
Hybrid Tea
Ingrid Bergman ®
Ingrid Weibull
Floribunda Rose
Ingrid Weibull ®
James L. Austin
English Rose
James L. Austin ®
Climbing Rose
Jasmina ®
Jim The Viking - Plant'n'Relax
Ground Cover Rose
Juanita ®
Jubilé du Prince de Monaco
Floribunda Rose
Jubilé du Prince de Monaco ®
Floribunda Rose
Jugendliebe ®
Julia (Pascal Sevran)
Julio Iglesias
Hybrid Tea
Julio Iglesias ®
Kaiserin Farah
Hybrid Tea
Kaiserin Farah ®
Kalinka syn Pink Wonder
Hybrid Tea
Kiftsgate Violett
Rambler Rose
Kiftsgate Violett
King George I.
Miniature Rose
King George I. ®
Kir Royal
Climbing Rose
Kir Royal ®
Kleopatra   1994
Hybrid Tea
Kleopatra 1994 ®
Kloster Altzella
Climbing Rose
Kloster Altzella
Ground Cover Rose
Knirps ®
Königin von Dänemark
217 - 252 of 946 articles