Buy Garden Roses (in stock | Colours: cream, pink, purple, white, yellow | fragrant)

145 - 180 of 378 articles
Golden Age
Rambler Rose
Golden Age
Golden Border
Floribunda Rose
Golden Border
Golden Border Climber
Golden Gate
Climbing Rose
Golden Gate ®
Golden Showers
Climbing Rose
Golden Showers
Golden Wings
Shrub Rose
Golden Wings
Goldenes Prag
Hybrid Tea
Goldenes Prag
Rambler Rose
Miniature Rose
Goldjuwel ®
Climbing Rose
Goldstern ®
Grand Nord
Hybrid Tea
Grand Nord ®
Great Century  -  Grand Siècle
Gruß an Aachen
Floribunda Rose
Gruß an Aachen
Gruß an Oldenburg
English Rose
Gruß an Oldenburg
Gruß an Zwönitz
Hybrid Tea
Gruß an Zwönitz ®
Guillot No. 1
Shrub Rose
Guillot No. 1 ®
Guirlande d'Amour
Climbing Rose
Guirlande d'Amour ®
Hans Gönewein
Floribunda Rose
Hans Gönewein ®
Heavenly Pink
Shrub Rose
Heavenly Pink ®
Heideröslein Nozomi
Ground Cover Rose
Heideröslein Nozomi ®
Ground Cover Rose
Heidesommer ®
Ground Cover Rose
Heidetraum ®
Climbing Rose
Hella ®
Ile de Fleurs
Shrub Rose
Ile de Fleurs
Ilka Frensch
Hybrid Tea
Ilka Frensch
Ilse Krohn superior
Climbing Rose
Ilse Krohn superior ®
Floribunda Rose
Inka ®
Floribunda Rose
Innocencia ®
James L. Austin
English Rose
James L. Austin ®
Climbing Rose
Jasmina ®
Jim The Viking - Plant'n'Relax
Ground Cover Rose
Juanita ®
Juliana von Stolberg
Kastelruther Spatzen
Ground Cover Rose
Kastelruther Spatzen ®
Katharina Zeimet
Floribunda Rose
Katharina Zeimet
Kent syn. White Cover
Ground Cover Rose
Kent syn. White Cover ®
145 - 180 of 378 articles