Buy Garden Roses (in stock | Colours: cream, multicolour, purple, yellow | fragrant, strong fragrant)

73 - 108 of 286 articles
Crazy for You
Climbing Rose
Crazy for You ®
Shrub Rose
Cybelle ®
Dames de Chenonceau
Floribunda Rose
Dames de Chenonceau ®
Deep Impression
Floribunda Rose
Deep Impression ®
Hybrid Tea
Hybrid Tea
Diamond Eyes
Floribunda Rose
Diamond Eyes ®
Diamond Jubilee
Hybrid Tea
Diamond Jubilee ®
Divina 2014
Hybrid Tea
Divina 2014 ®
Double Delight
Hybrid Tea
Double Delight
Climbing Rose
Dukat ®
Climbing Rose
Dune ®
Eddy Mitchell syn. Dark Knight
Eeuwige Passie
Floribunda Rose
Eeuwige Passie ®
Eliane Gillet
Shrub Rose
Eliane Gillet ®
Elina syn Peaudouce
Hybrid Tea
Elina syn Peaudouce ®
Emily Brontë
English Rose
Emily Brontë ®
Hybrid Tea
Epidor ®
Ferdinand Pichard
Remontant Rose
Ferdinand Pichard
Fiona Gelin
Shrub Rose
Fiona Gelin ®
Flaming Star
Hybrid Tea
Flaming Star ®
Folle Courtisane
Hybrid Tea
Folle Courtisane ®
Friendship Forever - Plant'n'relax
Floribunda Rose
Friesia ®
Für Elise
Floribunda Rose
Für Elise ®
Garden of Roses syn. Cream Flower Circus
Garden Princess Leenders
Gelbe Dagmar Hastrup
Rosa rugosa
Gelbe Dagmar Hastrup ®
Gene Tierney
Shrub Rose
Gene Tierney ®
Georges Denjean
Shrub Rose
Georges Denjean ®
Ghislaine de Féligonde
Global Water
Shrub Rose
Global Water ®
Gloire de Dijon
Climbing Rose
Gloire de Dijon
Gold Bunny Climber
Climbing Rose
Gold Bunny Climber
Golden Age
Rambler Rose
Golden Age
73 - 108 of 286 articles