Buy Garden Roses (Colours: cream, multicolour, pink, yellow | fragrant)

109 - 144 of 596 articles
Felicitas Susan
Shrub Rose
Felicitas Susan
Ferdinand Pichard
Remontant Rose
Ferdinand Pichard
Flaming Star
Hybrid Tea
Flaming Star ®
Flamingo '79
Hybrid Tea
Flamingo '79 ®
Florence Delattre
Shrub Rose
Florence Delattre ®
Floriade 2002
Ground Cover Rose
Floriade 2002
Hybrid Tea
Focus ®
Folle Courtisane
Hybrid Tea
Folle Courtisane ®
Frau Eva Schubert
Rambler Rose
Frau Eva Schubert
Friendship Forever - Plant'n'relax
Garden of Roses syn. Cream Flower Circus
Garden Princess Leenders
Gene Tierney
Shrub Rose
Gene Tierney ®
Ghislaine de Féligonde
Ghita Renaissance
Shrub Rose
Ghita Renaissance ®
Climbing Rose
Giardina ®
Floribunda Rose
Giliane ®
Gold Bunny Climber
Climbing Rose
Gold Bunny Climber
Golden Age
Rambler Rose
Golden Age
Golden Border
Floribunda Rose
Golden Border
Golden Border Climber
Golden Gate
Climbing Rose
Golden Gate ®
Golden Showers
Climbing Rose
Golden Showers
Golden Wings
Shrub Rose
Golden Wings
Goldenes Prag
Hybrid Tea
Goldenes Prag
Rambler Rose
Miniature Rose
Goldjuwel ®
Climbing Rose
Goldstern ®
Hybrid Tea
Gorgeous ®
Grand Nord
Hybrid Tea
Grand Nord ®
Great Century  -  Grand Siècle
Gruß an Aachen
Floribunda Rose
Gruß an Aachen
Gruß an Oldenburg
English Rose
Gruß an Oldenburg
Gruß an Zwönitz
Hybrid Tea
Gruß an Zwönitz ®
Halleluja  -  Alleluia
109 - 144 of 596 articles