Buy Garden Roses (Colours: cream, multicolour, orange, purple, red, white | fragrant, no fragrance)

109 - 144 of 946 articles
Charming Cover
Ground Cover Rose
Charming Cover ®
Chateau d'Amboise
Hybrid Tea
Chateau d'Amboise ®
Château de Versailles ® - Guy Laroche
Cherry Bonica
Floribunda Rose
Cherry Bonica ®
Cherry Girl
Floribunda Rose
Cherry Girl ®
Cherry Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
Cherry Meidiland ®
Chevy Chase
Rambler Rose
Chevy Chase
Chica Flower Circus
Floribunda Rose
Chica Flower Circus ®
Chili Clementine
Miniature Rose
Chili Clementine ®
Christoph Columbus
Hybrid Tea
Christoph Columbus ®
City of York
Rambler Rose
City of York
Claus Dalby
Hybrid Tea
Claus Dalby ®
Claus Wisser
Hybrid Tea
Claus Wisser
Miniature Rose
Clementine ®
Climbing Alberich
Climbing Rose
Climbing Alberich
Climbing Rumba
Climbing Rose
Climbing Rumba ®
Climbing Schneewittchen
Climbing Rose
Climbing Schneewittchen ®
Miniature Rose
Coco ®
Coeurs de Vendee
Floribunda Rose
Coeurs de Vendee ®
Hybrid Tea
Concorde ®
Hybrid Tea
Coral Lions Rose
Floribunda Rose
Coral Lions Rose ®
Miniature Rose
Corazon ®
Hybrid Tea
Country Girl
Floribunda Rose
Country Girl ®
Country Trendsetter
Floribunda Rose
Country Trendsetter
Crazy for You
Climbing Rose
Crazy for You ®
Crazy in Love Red - Plant'n'Relax
Cream Budd
Cream Budd
Floribunda Rose
Cremosa ®
Crêpe de Chine
Hybrid Tea
Crêpe de Chine ®
Crimson Flower Circus
Crimson Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
Crimson Meidiland
Crimson Rambler
Rambler Rose
Crimson Rambler
Crimson Siluetta
Rambler Rose
Crimson Siluetta ®
109 - 144 of 946 articles