Buy Garden Roses (Colours: blue, cream, orange, red, white | fragrant, no fragrance)

325 - 360 of 730 articles
Climbing Rose
Hybrid Tea
Rallye des Gazelles
Hybrid Tea
Rallye des Gazelles ®
Rambling Rector
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rector
Rambling Rosie
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rosie ®
Red Drift
Ground Cover Rose
Red Drift ®
Red Eden Rose
Shrub Rose
Red Eden Rose ®
Red Fairy
Ground Cover Rose
Red Fairy ®
Red Fire
Ground Cover Rose
Red Fire
Red Friendship
Shrub Rose
Red Friendship
Red Leonardo da Vinci
Floribunda Rose
Red Leonardo da Vinci ®
Red Meidiland
Shrub Rose
Red Meidiland ®
Red Meillandina
Miniature Rose
Red Meillandina
Red Yesterday syn. Red Ballerina
Reine des Violettes
Remontant Rose
Reine des Violettes
République de Montmartre
Floribunda Rose
République de Montmartre ®
Robin Hood
Musk Rose
Robin Hood
Ground Cover Rose
Rody ®
Roma DDR
Hybrid Tea
Roma DDR
Rosa Bonheur
Floribunda Rose
Rosa Bonheur ®
Rosa centifolia muscosa 'Rubra'
Rosa gallica 'Officinalis'
Rosa longicuspis syn mulliganii
Rosa moyesii
Wild Rose
Rosa moyesii
Rosa omeiensis pteracantha
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa Schnee-Eule syn. White Pavement
Musk Rose
Rose Brouilly
Shrub Rose
Rose Brouilly ®
Rosi Mittermaier
Floribunda Rose
Rosi Mittermaier ®
Climbing Rose
Rosilia ®
Rosomane Janon
Shrub Rose
Rosomane Janon ®
Roter Drache
Floribunda Rose
Roter Drache ®
Roter Korsar
Shrub Rose
Roter Korsar ®
Roter Zwerg
Miniature Rose
Roter Zwerg ®
325 - 360 of 730 articles