Buy Garden Roses (Colours: blue, cream, multicolour, pink, purple, yellow | strong fragrant)

73 - 108 of 325 articles
Frederic Mistral
Hybrid Tea
Frederic Mistral ®
Floribunda Rose
Friesia ®
Gartenprinzessin Marie-José
Shrub Rose
Gartenträume ®
Gelbe Dagmar Hastrup
Rosa rugosa
Gelbe Dagmar Hastrup ®
Gentle Hermione
English Rose
Gentle Hermione ®
Georges Denjean
Shrub Rose
Georges Denjean ®
Gloire de Dijon
Climbing Rose
Gloire de Dijon
Golden Celebration
English Rose
Golden Celebration
Gräfin Bettina Bernadotte
Great Maiden's Blush
Guy Darmet
Shrub Rose
Guy Darmet ®
Guy Savoy
Shrub Rose
Guy Savoy ®
Rosa rugosa
Harlow Carr
English Rose
Harlow Carr ®
Heidi Klum Rose
Floribunda Rose
Heidi Klum Rose ®
Shrub Rose
Herkules ®
Herzogin Christiana
Floribunda Rose
Herzogin Christiana ®
Honey Bouquet
Floribunda Rose
Honey Bouquet ®
Honorine de Brabant
Inger Forever - Plant'n'relax
Damascene Rose
Jacques Cartier
Damascene Rose
Jacques Cartier ®
James Galway
English Rose
James Galway
Jenny Duval
Gallica Rose
Jenny Duval
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Rose
Kaffe Fasset Rose
Floribunda Rose
Kaffe Fasset Rose ®
Kiss me Kate
Climbing Rose
Kiss me Kate ®
Kölner Flora
Shrub Rose
Kölner Flora ®
Königliche Hoheit
L' Aimant
Floribunda Rose
L' Aimant ®
La Fontaine aux Perles
La Rose de Molinard
Shrub Rose
La Rose de Molinard ®
La Sauvagine Terre et Passion
73 - 108 of 325 articles