Buy roses from Kordes – breedings of W. Kordes' sons

The Rose School W. Kordes' Söhne was originally founded in 1887 as an art and commercial nursery by Wilhelm Kordes I. in Elmshorn. This resulted in one of the most important and largest German rose growers, which operates worldwide and is already in the 5th generation of family management. Kordes roses enjoy great popularity everywhere.

Kordes roses are available for all growth forms. Whether garden roses, cut roses or pot roses - everywhere the rose school W. Kordes' sons has bred very good varieties. The focus of the breeding is especially on health, easy care and durability.

A selection of Kordes' roses

W. Kordes' Söhne has bred some classics among the roses. Who does not know the shrub roses Westerland or Lichtkönigin Lucia? In order to give the varieties a certain framework, Kordes has bred roses in collections over the past years. These include the RigoRosen, Märchenrosen, Parfuma Fragrant Roses or Klettermaxe series, in which the new varieties are included. New, robust varieties such as the Floribunda Rose Apricola from the RigoRosen collection, the Märchenrosen Gebrüder Grimm and Novalis or Klettermaxe climbing roses such as Laguna are enjoying great popularity.

In the categories of ground cover roses and dwarf roses, Kordes with Knirps as well as Zwergkönig 78 have very good old acquaintances in their assortment.

With varieties such as Madame Anisette or Rosengräfin Marie Henriette from the Parfuma fragrant rose series, Kordes bred strongly fragrant varieties with very good leaf health, which were able to obtain the ADR Roses predicate, which is rather rare for this species.

1 - 36 of 116 articles
Floribunda Rose
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Duftzauber 84
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1 - 36 of 116 articles