Buy Modern Pot Roses (Colours: cream, pink, yellow | strong fragrant)

37 - 72 of 178 articles
Golden Celebration
English Rose
Golden Celebration
Gräfin Bettina Bernadotte
Harlow Carr
English Rose
Harlow Carr ®
Shrub Rose
Herkules ®
Herzogin Christiana
Floribunda Rose
Herzogin Christiana ®
James Galway
English Rose
James Galway
Kiss me Kate
Climbing Rose
Kiss me Kate ®
Kölner Flora
Shrub Rose
Kölner Flora ®
L' Aimant
Floribunda Rose
L' Aimant ®
La Rose de Molinard
Shrub Rose
La Rose de Molinard ®
La Sauvagine Terre et Passion
Lady Capri
Hybrid Tea
Lady Capri ®
Lady Like
Hybrid Tea
Lady Like ®
Madame Anisette
Hybrid Tea
Madame Anisette ®
Madame de Stael
Floribunda Rose
Madame de Stael ®
Martine Guillot
Shrub Rose
Martine Guillot ®
Hybrid Tea
Mauritia ®
Hybrid Tea
Mitsouko ®
Climbing Rose
Nahéma ®
Nelson Montfort
Shrub Rose
Nelson Montfort ®
Open Arms
Climbing Rose
Open Arms ®
Hybrid Tea
Parole ®
Penny Lane
Climbing Rose
Penny Lane ®
Pink Roadrunner
Ground Cover Rose
Pink Roadrunner ®
Shrub Rose
Postillion ®
Princess Alexandra of Kent
Princesse Astrid de Belgique
Régis Marcon
Floribunda Rose
Régis Marcon ®
Renée van Wegberg Essbare Rose
Hybrid Tea
Romina ®
Rose de Pompadour
Floribunda Rose
Rose de Pompadour ®
Rosengräfin Marie Henriette
Scepter'd Isle
English Rose
Scepter'd Isle ®
Schloß Ippenburg
Hybrid Tea
Schloß Ippenburg ®
Schloss Bad Homburg
Climbing Rose
Schloss Bad Homburg
Souvenir de Marcel Proust
37 - 72 of 178 articles