Buy All Container Bush Roses (Colours: multicolour, red, white, yellow | fragrant)

181 - 216 of 534 articles
Orienta Magnolia
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Orienta Magnolia ®
Orienta Shila
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Orienta Shila ®
Floribunda Rose
Pauls Scarlet Climber
Perennial Domino
Rambler Rose
Perennial Domino ®
Hybrid Tea
Piano ®
Shrub Rose
Polarexpress  syn Perla Bianca
President Armand Zinsch
Pretty Sunrise syn. Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Musk Rose
Purple Siluetta
Rambler Rose
Purple Siluetta ®
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger ®
Climbing Rose
Rambling Rector
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rector
Rambling Rosie
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rosie ®
Red Eden Rose
Shrub Rose
Red Eden Rose ®
Red Leonardo da Vinci
Floribunda Rose
Red Leonardo da Vinci ®
Reine des Violettes
Remontant Rose
Reine des Violettes
République de Montmartre
Floribunda Rose
République de Montmartre ®
Robin Hood
Musk Rose
Robin Hood
Rosa gallica 'Officinalis'
Rosa hugonis
Wild Rose
Rosa hugonis
Rosa longicuspis syn mulliganii
Rosa omeiensis pteracantha
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa Schnee-Eule syn. White Pavement
Rose der Hoffnung
Floribunda Rose
Rose der Hoffnung ®
Rose Gaujard
Hybrid Tea
Rose Gaujard
Roter Zwerg
Miniature Rose
Roter Zwerg ®
Floribunda Rose
Rotilia ®
Floribunda Rose
Rotkäppchen ®
Rouge Meilove
Floribunda Rose
Rouge Meilove ®
Roy Black
Hybrid Tea
Roy Black ®
Royal Copenhagen
Hybrid Tea
Royal Copenhagen ®
181 - 216 of 534 articles