Buy All Container Bush Roses (in stock | Colours: multicolour, orange, pink, purple, yellow | fragrant, no fragrance, strong fragrant)

469 - 504 of 849 articles
Floribunda Rose
Pomponella ®
Floribunda Rose
Portorož ®
Shrub Rose
Postillion ®
President Armand Zinsch
Pretty Sunrise syn. Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Princess Alexandra (Renaissance)
Princess Anne
English Rose
Princess Anne ®
Prix P. J. Redouté
Floribunda Rose
Prix P. J. Redouté ®
Musk Rose
Purple Rain
Ground Cover Rose
Purple Rain ®
Purple Roadrunner
Ground Cover Rose
Purple Roadrunner ®
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger ®
Queen of Sweden
English Rose
Queen of Sweden ®
Hybrid Tea
Raffaello ®
Raymond Blanc
Floribunda Rose
Raymond Blanc ®
Red Intuition
Hybrid Tea
Red Intuition ®
Red Pavement - Rosa rugosa Red Foxi
Climbing Rose
Redova ®
Régis Marcon
Floribunda Rose
Régis Marcon ®
Renée van Wegberg Essbare Rose
Rhapsody in Blue
Floribunda Rose
Rhapsody in Blue ®
Roberto Alagna
Hybrid Tea
Roberto Alagna ®
Romantic Siluetta
Climbing Rose
Romantic Siluetta ®
Shrub Rose
Romanze ®
Hybrid Tea
Romina ®
Rosa canina
Wild Rose
Rosa canina
Rosa centifolia Muscosa
Rosa gallica 'Complicata'
Rosa gallica 'Versicolor'
Rosa hugonis
Wild Rose
Rosa hugonis
Rosa nitida
Wild Rose
Rosa nitida
Rosa rubiginosa (Apfelrose)
Rosa rugotida 'Dart's Defender'
Rosa Zwerg syn Dwarf Pavement
469 - 504 of 849 articles