Buy All Container Bush Roses (in stock | Colours: multicolour, orange, pink, purple, white, yellow | fragrant)

289 - 324 of 505 articles
PiRo 3 - Pillnitzer Vitaminrose
Play Rose
Floribunda Rose
Play Rose ®
Floribunda Rose
Poetry ®
Polarexpress  syn Perla Bianca
Floribunda Rose
Pomponella ®
Floribunda Rose
Portorož ®
President Armand Zinsch
Pretty Sunrise syn. Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Princess Anne
English Rose
Princess Anne ®
Prix P. J. Redouté
Floribunda Rose
Prix P. J. Redouté ®
Musk Rose
Purple Rain
Ground Cover Rose
Purple Rain ®
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger ®
Queen of Sweden
English Rose
Queen of Sweden ®
Rambling Rector
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rector
Raymond Blanc
Floribunda Rose
Raymond Blanc ®
Rhapsody in Blue
Floribunda Rose
Rhapsody in Blue ®
Romantic Siluetta
Climbing Rose
Romantic Siluetta ®
Shrub Rose
Romanze ®
Rosa canina
Wild Rose
Rosa canina
Rosa hugonis
Wild Rose
Rosa hugonis
Rosa longicuspis syn mulliganii
Rosa omeiensis pteracantha
Rosa rubiginosa (Apfelrose)
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa Schnee-Eule syn. White Pavement
Rosa rugotida 'Dart's Defender'
Climbing Rose
Rosanna ®
Shrub Rose
Rosario ®
Rose de Tolbiac
Climbing Rose
Rose de Tolbiac ®
Rose der Hoffnung
Floribunda Rose
Rose der Hoffnung ®
Rose Gaujard
Hybrid Tea
Rose Gaujard
Rosendorf Steinfurth
Rosengarten Zweibrücken
Climbing Rose
Rosengarten Zweibrücken ®
Rambler Rose
Rosenreigen ®
Rosi Mittermaier
Floribunda Rose
Rosi Mittermaier ®
289 - 324 of 505 articles