Buy All Container Bush Roses (Colours: cream, purple, red, yellow | fragrant, strong fragrant)

37 - 72 of 541 articles
Floribunda Rose
Bordeaux ®
Bordure d'Or
Floribunda Rose
Bordure d'Or ®
Bossuet, Aigle de Meaux
Bright Meilove
Floribunda Rose
Bright Meilove ®
Hybrid Tea
Britannia ®
Buff Beauty
Musk Rose
Buff Beauty
Burgund 81
Hybrid Tea
Burgund 81 ®
Burgundy Iceberg
Floribunda Rose
Burgundy Iceberg ®
Campina Gold
Floribunda Rose
Campina Gold ®
Canary Bird
China Rose
Canary Bird
Shrub Rose
Candela ®
Hybrid Tea
Candlelight ®
Capricia Renaissance
Cardinal de Richelieu
Carmen Würth
Floribunda Rose
Carmen Würth ®
Shrub Rose
Cayenne ®
Centennaire de Lourdes Rouge
Chateau d'Amboise
Hybrid Tea
Chateau d'Amboise ®
Chateau de Cheverny
Shrub Rose
Chateau de Cheverny ®
Cherry Girl
Floribunda Rose
Cherry Girl ®
Chevy Chase
Rambler Rose
Chevy Chase
China Girl
Floribunda Rose
China Girl ®
Shrub Rose
Chippendale Gold
Hybrid Tea
Chippendale Gold ®
Circle of Life
Shrub Rose
Circle of Life ®
Claire Marshall syn. Jennifer Rose
Floribunda Rose
Coloma ®
Concerto 94
Shrub Rose
Concerto 94 ®
Crimson Flower Circus
Shrub Rose
Cybelle ®
Dame de Coeur
Hybrid Tea
Dame de Coeur
Dames de Chenonceau
Floribunda Rose
Dames de Chenonceau ®
Danse des Sylphes
Climbing Rose
Danse des Sylphes
Deep Love
Climbing Rose
Deep Love ®
Divina 2014
Hybrid Tea
Divina 2014 ®
37 - 72 of 541 articles