Buy All Container Bush Roses (Colours: cream, orange, pink, purple, white, yellow | strong fragrant)

37 - 72 of 358 articles
Claire Marshall syn. Jennifer Rose
Shrub Rose
Colette ®
Colonial White
Rambler Rose
Colonial White
Climbing Rose
Compassion ®
Comte de Chambord
Portland Rose
Comte de Chambord
Dames de Chenonceau
Floribunda Rose
Dames de Chenonceau ®
English Rose
Desdemona ®
Hybrid Tea
Desirée ®
Die Rose Ihrer Majestät
Dieter Müller
Shrub Rose
Dieter Müller ®
Divina Climber
Climbing Rose
Divina Climber ®
Hybrid Tea
Duftrausch ®
Eckart Witzigmann
Floribunda Rose
Eckart Witzigmann ®
Hybrid Tea
Eisvogel ®
Elaine Paige
Hybrid Tea
Elaine Paige ®
Elodie Gossuin
Shrub Rose
Elodie Gossuin ®
Emilien Guillot
Shrub Rose
Emilien Guillot ®
Emily Brontë
English Rose
Emily Brontë ®
Eustacia Vye
English Rose
Eustacia Vye ®
Exotic syn. Warm Wishes
Fantin Latour
Centifolia Rose
Fantin Latour
Favori syn  Favorite
Floribunda Rose
Favori syn Favorite
Félicité Parmentier
Foxi Pavement - Rosa rugosa Foxi
Hybrid Tea
Fragonard® ®
Fragrant Alizée
Francis Blaise
Shrub Rose
Francis Blaise ®
Fräulein Maria
Floribunda Rose
Fräulein Maria ®
Frederic Mistral
Hybrid Tea
Frederic Mistral ®
Floribunda Rose
Friesia ®
Gartenprinzessin Marie-José
Shrub Rose
Gartenträume ®
Gelbe Dagmar Hastrup
Rosa rugosa
Gelbe Dagmar Hastrup ®
Georges Denjean
Shrub Rose
Georges Denjean ®
Gräfin Bettina Bernadotte
37 - 72 of 358 articles