Buy All Container Bush Roses (in stock | Colours: cream, multicolour, pink, white | fragrant)

181 - 216 of 335 articles
Floribunda Rose
Parade-Rose 1953
Climbing Rose
Parade-Rose 1953
Parfum Royal Climbing
Climbing Rose
Parfum Royal Climbing ®
Patrick Devedjian
Floribunda Rose
Patrick Devedjian ®
Paul's Himalayan Musk Rambler
Floribunda Rose
Pepino ®
Perennial Rosali
Rambler Rose
Perennial Rosali ®
Pink Eden Rose
Shrub Rose
Pink Eden Rose ®
Pink Home Run
Shrub Rose
Pink Home Run
Miniature Rose
Pinocchio ®
PiRo 3 - Pillnitzer Vitaminrose
Play Rose
Floribunda Rose
Play Rose ®
Floribunda Rose
Poetry ®
Polarexpress  syn Perla Bianca
Floribunda Rose
Pomponella ®
Pretty Sunrise syn. Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Princess Anne
English Rose
Princess Anne ®
Prix P. J. Redouté
Floribunda Rose
Prix P. J. Redouté ®
Musk Rose
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Queen of Sheba syn. Eye of the Tiger ®
Queen of Sweden
English Rose
Queen of Sweden ®
Rallye des Gazelles
Hybrid Tea
Rallye des Gazelles ®
Rambling Rector
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rector
Raymond Blanc
Floribunda Rose
Raymond Blanc ®
Romantic Siluetta
Climbing Rose
Romantic Siluetta ®
Shrub Rose
Romanze ®
Rosa canina
Wild Rose
Rosa canina
Rosa longicuspis syn mulliganii
Rosa omeiensis pteracantha
Rosa rubiginosa (Apfelrose)
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa Alba
Rosa rugosa Schnee-Eule syn. White Pavement
Rosa rugotida 'Dart's Defender'
Climbing Rose
Rosanna ®
Shrub Rose
Rosario ®
Rose de Tolbiac
Climbing Rose
Rose de Tolbiac ®
181 - 216 of 335 articles