Buy All Container Bush Roses (Colours: cream, multicolour, orange, pink | fragrant, no fragrance, strong fragrant)

145 - 180 of 1119 articles
Double Delight
Hybrid Tea
Double Delight
Dreams Come True - Plant'n'Relax
Duchesse de Montebello
Hybrid Tea
Duftrausch ®
Miniature Rose
Eckart Witzigmann
Floribunda Rose
Eckart Witzigmann ®
Eddy Mitchell syn. Dark Knight
Eden Rose 85
Shrub Rose
Eden Rose 85 ®
Eeuwige Passie
Floribunda Rose
Eeuwige Passie ®
Hybrid Tea
Eisvogel ®
Elaine Paige
Hybrid Tea
Elaine Paige ®
Eliane Gillet
Shrub Rose
Eliane Gillet ®
Hybrid Tea
Eliza ®
Elizabeth Stuart
Elodie Gossuin
Shrub Rose
Elodie Gossuin ®
Emilien Guillot
Shrub Rose
Emilien Guillot ®
Emily Brontë
English Rose
Emily Brontë ®
Empereur Charles IV
Floribunda Rose
Empereur Charles IV ®
Shrub Rose
Rambler Rose
Errötung ®
Esther Queen of Persia
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Esther Queen of Persia ®
Eustacia Vye
English Rose
Eustacia Vye ®
Eveline Wild Essbare Rose
Floribunda Rose
Eveline Wild Essbare Rose ®
Exotic syn. Warm Wishes
Eye to Eye
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Eye to Eye ®
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Eyeconic ®
Eyeconic Pink Lemonade
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Eyeconic Pink Lemonade ®
Eyes for You syn. Blue Eyes ®
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Eyes for You syn. Blue Eyes ® ®
Eyes on Me
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Eyes on Me ®
Hybrid Tea
Fabulous ®
Fancy Babylon Eyes
Hulthemia persica Hybrid
Fancy Babylon Eyes ®
Fantin Latour
Centifolia Rose
Fantin Latour
Climbing Rose
Fassadenzauber ®
Favori syn  Favorite
Floribunda Rose
Favori syn Favorite
Félicité Parmentier
Ferdinand Pichard
Remontant Rose
Ferdinand Pichard
145 - 180 of 1119 articles