Buy All Container Bush Roses (Colours: blue, cream, multicolour, purple, red, white, yellow)

109 - 144 of 1140 articles
Ground Cover Rose
Centro-Rose ®
Chateau d'Amboise
Hybrid Tea
Chateau d'Amboise ®
Chateau de Cheverny
Shrub Rose
Chateau de Cheverny ®
Cherry Bonica
Floribunda Rose
Cherry Bonica ®
Cherry Girl
Floribunda Rose
Cherry Girl ®
Cherry Meidiland
Ground Cover Rose
Cherry Meidiland ®
Chevy Chase
Rambler Rose
Chevy Chase
Chica Flower Circus
Floribunda Rose
Chica Flower Circus ®
Chili Clementine
Miniature Rose
Chili Clementine ®
China Girl
Floribunda Rose
China Girl ®
Shrub Rose
Chippendale Gold
Hybrid Tea
Chippendale Gold ®
Circle of Life
Shrub Rose
Circle of Life ®
City of York
Rambler Rose
City of York
Claire Marshall syn. Jennifer Rose
Claus Dalby
Hybrid Tea
Claus Dalby ®
Climbing Rumba
Climbing Rose
Climbing Rumba ®
Climbing Schneewittchen
Climbing Rose
Climbing Schneewittchen ®
Coeurs de Vendee
Floribunda Rose
Coeurs de Vendee ®
Colibri ® Farbfestival
Climbing Rose
Colibri ® Farbfestival ®
Floribunda Rose
Coloma ®
Colonial White
Rambler Rose
Colonial White
Concerto 94
Shrub Rose
Concerto 94 ®
Miniature Rose
Corazon ®
Country Girl
Floribunda Rose
Country Girl ®
Crazy Fashion
Hybrid Tea
Crazy Fashion ®
Cream Budd
Cream Budd
Crimson Flower Circus
Crimson Rambler
Rambler Rose
Crimson Rambler
Crimson Siluetta
Rambler Rose
Crimson Siluetta ®
Crown Princess Mary
Hybrid Tea
Crown Princess Mary ®
Crystal Fairy
Ground Cover Rose
Crystal Fairy ®
Floribunda Rose
Shrub Rose
Cybelle ®
Climbing Rose
Dacapo ®
Dame de Coeur
Hybrid Tea
Dame de Coeur
109 - 144 of 1140 articles