Buy Bee-friendly pot roses (in stock | Colours: cream, multicolour, orange, purple, red | fragrant, no fragrance)

37 - 54 of 54 articles
Rambling Rosie
Rambler Rose
Rambling Rosie ®
Red Drift
Ground Cover Rose
Red Drift ®
Red Yesterday syn. Red Ballerina
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Rosengarten Zweibrücken
Climbing Rose
Rosengarten Zweibrücken ®
Roter Korsar
Shrub Rose
Roter Korsar ®
Floribunda Rose
Rotilia ®
Simsalabim syn. Marburg 800
Stadt Rom
Ground Cover Rose
Stadt Rom ®
Summer of Love
Floribunda Rose
Summer of Love ®
The Lark Ascending
English Rose
The Lark Ascending ®
Weg der Sinne
Floribunda Rose
Weg der Sinne ®
Bordure Camaïeu
Floribunda Rose
Bordure Camaïeu ®
Shrub Rose
Hanky Panky
Floribunda Rose
Hanky Panky ®
Lavender Meidiland syn Louis Bleriot
Rosa moyesii
Wild Rose
Rosa moyesii
Rouge Cascade
Ground Cover Rose
Rouge Cascade ®
37 - 54 of 54 articles