Buy Tree Roses (~90cm), 6.5l Pot (in stock | Colours: multicolour, pink, red, yellow | strong fragrant)

37 - 49 of 49 articles
Mrs. John Laing
Remontant Rose
Mrs. John Laing
Reine Victoria
Bourbon Rose
Reine Victoria
Rose de Resht
Damascene Rose
Rose de Resht
Rosengräfin Marie Henriette
Schloß Ippenburg
Hybrid Tea
Schloß Ippenburg ®
Remontant Rose
Sophie Luise
Hybrid Tea
Sophie Luise ®
Sutters Gold
Hybrid Tea
Sutters Gold
Tom Wood
Remontant Rose
Tom Wood
Ulrich Brunner Fils
Remontant Rose
Ulrich Brunner Fils
Hybrid Tea
Walzertraum ®
Hybrid Tea
Wildberry ®
37 - 49 of 49 articles