Modern Container Roses
» ADR - Performance testing of new varieties of roses in Germany «
ADR-Pr�dikatJudging of ornamental presentation and health

Breeding progress has resulted in the development of new rose varieties with extraordinary characteristics and diverse uses for landscaping and private gardening. With so many different types of roses, by 1950 rose breeders had already realized the necessity of testing and assessing new varieties to evaluate their performance and to strengthen the awareness of varieties. For these reasons ADR testing was established by Wilhelm Kordes 50 years ago.

ADR Working Group

Today the ADR working group consists of the Bund deutscher Baumschulen (German nurseries association), BdB, rose breeders and independent trial gardens. On the basis of statistical analyses of the ADR trial results by the Bundessortenamt (Federal Office of Plant Varieties), the results are discussed at a yearly meeting.


Breeding objectives have changed over the years. New colours, flower and growth types for various purposes have been developed. Correspondingly the guidelines for ADR testing have been changed too. At present new varieties are tested at eleven trial sites over several years by assessing characteristics such as winter hardiness, number of flowers, attractiveness, scent of the flower and growth type.

Resistance to pests and diseases

The main characteristics for this evaluation however are resistance to pests and diseases. The ADR varieties grown at the trial sites are cultivated with out any chemical pesticides to evaluate their natural beauty and strength. Winners of the ADR award are varieties above a certain standard of quality.

ADR varieties

1500 varieties have been evaluated in ADR trials so far. About 40 varieties of different rose types are tested each year. Up to 2000 the ADR quality certificate has been awarded to 121 varieties. However, this certificate can be withdrawn by the ADR jury, if a variety no longer fulfils the ADR quality standard. ADR activities are an essential contribution for ecologically friendly cultivation and use of roses in private and public parks and gardens, as nurseries and consumers are provided with wellfounded information to evaluate the numerous variety of roses.
