Buy ADR Roses (lieferbar | Farben: mehrfarbig, orange, weiß)

ADR stands as an abbreviation for "Allgemeine Deutsche Rosen-neuheitenprüfung". The aim of the ADR is to test and evaluate selected new roses for various aspects such as flowering behaviour and especially resistance. The ADR was created in the 1950s, mainly at the instigation of Wilhelm Kordes and other rose breeders, in order to classify the large number of new varieties. The ADR is a working group of rose breeders and independent test gardens and is embedded in the "Bund deutscher Baumschulen (BdB)".

In the test gardens, of which there are 11 at different locations throughout Germany, the new rose varieties are planted and tested over several years (usually 3-4 years) for their ornamental value and robustness without the use of spray agents.

ADR-LogoThe rose is to be tested there for its natural properties. Only a few varieties receive the coveted ADR seal because it is a predicate for a very healthy variety that is also very vigorous in growth and flowering and increases the value and awareness of a new variety immensely.

A total of more than 2000 varieties have now been tested, with only 178 rose novelties making it onto the ADR variety list. In addition, the ADR seal is also withdrawn if, contrary to expectations, a variety is unable to meet the strict quality criteria after many years. Roses with the ADR seal can be used without hesitation if you prefer very robust and easy to grow varieties.

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